Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hello again cyber world!
I just helped my brother make a tumblr, so I thought I'd revisit my blog. If I had known that some of my pictures were going to be swapped out for galleries of pictures, then I probably would not have even bothered but oh well. Now my posts just seem even more random and a little bit obsessive. :)
So not a whole lot to update. I'm currently back in Jacksonville for the summer, but it's back to Orlando in the fall! Also, my computer is currently being stupid so I've been using my mother's computer. If only she didn't work as much so I could get on and check facebook or play solitaire! Since when did productivity become more important than laziness and procrastination?
Speaking of laziness and procrastination, I'm going to go now because I'm tired.

No really. I'm leaving.



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Well, here I am, as promised! And I am completely moved into my apartment in Orlando now. Yay! Sorry to just throw the moving info at you like that.

Eh, who am I kidding? The only person that reads this is someone that already knew that info anyway. So I take it back. I'm not sorry. :P

Unless someone else actually does read this. In which case,

please forgive me? :(

Anyway, I moved here for college and I must say I am loving it! Only one of my classes seems like it'll be really hard (and honestly I should probably be doing work for that class right now) but the other classes seem really interesting! So yay for finally starting my prerequisites! FYI I'm going to school for event management. So if anybody needs a bar mitzvah planned I'm your girl! ;)

It's been just about a week since I've moved in so not much has happened yet. Although I did have a random, fun conversation with a Bank of America employee about whether or not people would have superpowers if they had the capability to use 100% of their brains. And that was only one of the many educational topics we brushed upon. I kid you not. That is just what happens when my rambling, unfocused thoughts are let loose on unsuspecting civilians.

Poor woman. She never saw it coming.

Holy macaroni! Matthew Bomer is a beautiful man!

Okay. In my defense, that comment did not seem random at all on my end. He popped up on my television. Can you blame me for reacting the way I did?

Please don't answer that.
Well, I really should be going now. However, due to the fact that my social life has all but vanished since I moved to a new city, I would love to work on improving my blog and updating it more. The only problem is that I have no idea how to do that. Now I know that most people will probably find this blog by accident and run away screaming after the first run-on sentence, so I don't expect anyone to offer any advice, but if you do wish to help a poor, sad little cyber girl out and give me some suggestions I'd be mighty grateful!

Unless the suggestion is to improve my grammar.

Because we all know how I feel about grammar.


That was my attempt at an angry face.

But I think it actually looks like a dead cyclops.

By the way, is my spacing bothering you?




No really. I'll stop now. That includes stopping this post.

So as the orlando-ians (orlandians? o-towners?) Well, as my new peeps put it, have a magical day and thank you for stopping by! Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Fair warning: I have absolutely no idea what this post is going to be about. I just felt called to update the cyberworld. (Is it cyber world or cyberworld?)

Anywho, lots of changes coming up in my life! I'll actually have interesting stuff to write about for a change! Yay!

But first, I feel I owe you an apology. I promised to put up pictures of my Lady Gaga outfit and failed to do so. Let me just say, this costume definitely blew last year's out of the water (which wasn't that hard to do), but it also helped me win in a category of the costume contest! (Which is a bit harder to do, except that I practically went around campaigning during the whole party and I don't think anyone really cared so they probably just voted for me to shut me up.)

I know. I should be hanged for that last run-on sentence. But I don't care. I hated grammar in school. So :P to grammar! Wow I need to focus!

How about I just shut up and show you a picture now?

Yay! Here I am. And here's the layout:

- Circle scarf: Red material from walmart sewn together

- Wig from Party City

- Fingerless gloves from Hot Topic

- Dress from consignment store with tulle material sewn on at the bottom.

- Tights from Hot Topic

- Boots from Bakers

- Setting: My country home complete with a scarecrow picture on the left. :)

Below is a close-up of the makeup I did myself thanks to a youtube tutorial.

Okay, well, I totally planned on making this blog longer and more interesting and informative, but I am going to be late for work. So unfortunately I have to go.
Really quick though. The fun news is that I'm moving to Orlando in a week! Whoo! More on that later. But I promise it will be sooner rather than later. See ya!
P.S. I came across some laundry baskets having a little bit too much fun on top of a running washing machine, if you catch my drift. Just thought it was odd and felt like sharing.
P.P.S. My thumb is bleeding.
P.P.P.S. The last half of this post won't edit properly. Gah! Now I really am going to be late.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Free at last!

So, today was international Suit Up day. It was in honor of the character, Barney Stinson, on How I Met Your Mother. (Awesome show!)

LOS ANGELES - SEP 16: Neil Patrick Harris arrives at the CBS Fall Party 2010 at The Colony on September 16, 2010 in Los Angeles, CA Photo via Newscom

I kind of cheated, though. I was planning on wearing my slacks that I wear for work, but they got messy because I worked the night before. ( I work at a movie theater and cleaning those concession machines are no joke!) So instead, I decided to just suit up halfway. I wore jeans and a t-shirt and then threw a blazer on. Hey, at least I tried!

The biggest part of my day was definitely the Chile miner rescue, though! I'm so happy that CNN had live coverage of it! I loved getting to clap and cheer with the miners and their families. I mean that literally. I was actually sitting in my living room clapping and cheering. And that's not even the best part. After the 33rd miner came to the surface my mom and I ran out to the front porch and shouted "Chi! Chi! Chi! Le! Le! Le!" Haha. Luckily, our neighbors are all silent hermits that never come outside so I doubt anyone heard us. I couldn't imagine being stuck half a mile under the surface for 69 days! It's truly a modern miracle that they all came out safely after all that time. I vote that this day, October 13th, be declared a national holiday: Miner Appreciation Day! Now if only I could find some miners in America to appreciate. If there are any miners reading this post right now, know that I am very thankful for all of your efforts. Oh, no wait. It's actually October 14th now. Well, know that I appreciated you ten minutes ago.

Have you ever noticed how awesome the song "Footloose" is? Oh! And "Red, Red Wine"! They both just came on and I am feelin' the groove!

Going to bed now! I need to think of a better sign off for the future. I'll keep you updated. Goodnight!


Note to self: Never use the phrase "feelin' the groove" again. Ever. And "Another One Bites the Dust" is an awesome song too.

Monday, October 11, 2010

About that . . .

One thing I forgot to mention about this new blog facelift. I have no idea why the header at the top (no duh. where else would it be?) is so big. If anyone has any idea how to make it smaller I would be more than happy to hear how to do such a thing. For now, you all will just have to work your lazy fingers and scroll down the page.

Anywho, let's talk Halloween! I'm pretty excited about this year's costume! Last year's costume was kind of a disaster for me, so I was determined to succeed this year! My last costume went from a plan to be Marie Antoinette and somehow turned into an 18th century barmaid with Elf ears. That's honestly the best way I can describe it. I wish I had a picture!

But this year I am going as somebody awesome! Just as bizarre, but awesome! That's right, ladies and gents. I am going to be . . .

Lady GaGa shows off her moves and eclectic costumes as she performs in Boston, MA on July 2, 2010. Fame Pictures, Inc

A giant mop! Or rather, the person inside of the giant mop. Lady Gaga! My outfit's not going to be quite that crazy. I'm mainly just going to include a bunch of little things that represent Lady Gaga, such as the blonde hair and the lightning bolt makeup. It's turning out great so far! Just a little bit more risque than I'm used to. Basically, it's what normal people wear for fun, seeing as I'm pretty conservative when it comes to my outfits. I'll be sure to post a picture of the completed outfit.

Weelllll, it's getting to be way too late for a person that has a morning class so I think I'm gonna call it a night. And why won't this stupid bug leave me alone?! Gaah!

Sorry. There's a bug flying around my computer screen. So much for not letting the bed bugs bite. One dry joke too many. Sorry. Adieu!


Ta Da!

Hello once again! What do you think of the new facelift for the blog? It's a little more girly than I'm used to, but I think it's kind of fun! I'm off to a bible study, but I just wanted to introduce the new page. I'll be back on later!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Progress! (kinda)

Greetings fellow cyber folk! My apologies for not having written in awhile. I'd like to say I've been busy flying to England or having a fashion show, but that is not the case. I've just been lazy.

Actually, I have been reading more of the Bible. I'm working on reading all of the new testament for now. I'm still in Matthew, but I'm getting close to Mark so yay progress! Also, I purchased a book on how to sew, but I haven't actually tried to sew just yet. That's probably about the most progress I've made on my life list so far. But at least it's something.

Anywho, I have this whole coming up weekend off of work, so I really want to try and do some things to further these goals. I figure I'll work on sewing a little bit, but other than that, I'm not sure what to do. Hmmm . . . Maybe I can do more research for getting my children's book published. I guess I will just have to see. Well, wish me luck and I hope to report back with more interesting news soon! Goodnight and farewell for now cyberspace!
